Band Demo Videos
Medley of Staged Music Demo Videos
A medley video of staged demos that Paul assisted in recording, directing, staged, lit, mixed, and edited.
All videos include two or more of Paul's Nikon D7200 cameras with 85mm and 18-35mm prime lenses, the studio's Nikon D7200 & 35mm lens, and either Paul's GoPro, Paul's Canon camcorder, or the studio's Nikon & kit lens cameras.
In the medley video here, Paul operated most of the staging, monitor mixes, lighting, multi-track recording, post production audio mix, editing & camera angle cuts, and coloring.
More ▼Full videos can still be viewed online at Steve Beyer Productions: https://stevebeyerproductions.com/
Details that Paul covered included staging of backline & act's positioning, programming of the DMX lighting using Freestyler, live audio for monitors & live audience mixed on Yamaha O1v or TF3 digital audio consoles, microphone selection & placement on guitar amps & drums, and direction of the musicians in assisting them to give their best performances. Whenever possible, Paul records cameras to his Atomos ProRes 422 HD external recorder.
Much of the studio's recordings were recorded live, some bands preferred to lip-sync to pre-recorded tracks. Paul generally had bands perform their songs just once, maybe twice, for the four or five cameras, recording up to 6 songs for a demo video. In post production, Paul would mix the multi-tracked audio and cut the camera angles, all within Adobe Premiere.
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