Talent Showcase WebApp
Design & Code of Multimedia WebApp
Paul designed and built the perfect showcase of Las Vegas talent for Steve Beyer Productions in Las Vegas. With hundreds of amazing musical bands & acts, tribute shows, performers, and models, SBP needed a way to showcase all these available products to clients in a way that easy to navigate, interesting to peruse the best of many options, and provide plenty of samples for the visitor to call the office and purchase the act.
More ▼With direction from the company president and input from the sales team, Paul programmed an impressive replacement to the static HTML Dreamweaver site the organization had previously used.
Presents our talent and artists photos, videos, and information to visitors, as inputted easily by office staff
Categorizes and sorts artists by their genres and highlights "Featured" artists
Single button push to toggle between obfuscated and real names of all artists in a category
Simple adding and updating of artists, categories, and media
Video streaming on our own server, no Youtube ads or takedowns
High-resolution images downloads for marketing, retina high-DPI images for newer computer and mobile displays
One unified HTML5 site for both mobile ("reactive") and desktop browsers, tested to work across ALL browsers
Unique page SEO content throughout, Google & Facebook friendly, Twitter cards, with no external tracking beacons
Extremely fast server, physically located in Vegas. Very fast response time when loading pages
32 categories holding 270 artists and 2,100 media files currently in the website database
All URL links can be misspelt & typo'd, proper category or artist displayed anyways
Logging of a visitors progression through site, including video views, their original referrer, and client details
Facebook "Like" and "Share" buttons highlighted on each artist page to encourage social engagement
- UI features mouse/touch hover effects, easy to read content, text-only and ADA visually-impaired-assist readability.
Recent updates:
New image gallery for artists and events. My original crashed people's web browsers when there were a hundreds of images, like the Holcim event. The replacement image gallery looks better, works faster
Image gallery for the home page. This replaced old one-image-at-a-time carousel that I created
The new grid shows up to 20 featured artists at once, formatted any way to look good on our site, and someday I'll be able to animate the images in and out
WYSIWYG graphical admin interface for anyone to add/update content for "Wedding", "Production", "About", "News", and "Home" pages. Undo feature included. Drag-and drop of images, easy style changes
Old wide list of category names has been removed, now situated in a pullout "drawer". This is only on the homepage so far. Input requested if this should be applied to all pages
Navigation on all pages of the site now feature additional "Drop-down menu" navigation. As before, a user may simply select the "Talent" item in the navigation bar, but now by hovering over the navigation area, drop down items will appear and can be clicked on
Newer computers and mobile devices with "Retina" and High-DPI screens enjoy high-resolution ("2x") images and font rendering across the whole site
- Even with the additions, pages load extremely quick, pages are rendered in under 100 milliseconds. And of course Mobile small-screen phones and big Desktops all share one unifying experience that works across all platforms, browsers, and computer types
Code online at Github: https://github.com/paulgorman/sbp_web